The respective military time zones have a selected letter and name to it. Welcome to the Math Salamanders’ Military Time Chart page. On this webpage, you will find a chart to help you to convert from standard to military time, and from military time to standard time. Suppose the military time is 1300 hours, or after, subtract 12 from the specified hour to get the time in a 12-hour clock. Then add the colon between the hour and the minutes and put pm at the end. When writing military time, you don’t put a colon between the hour and the minutes like you would when using a 12- or 24-hour clock. While most people in the United States use a 12-hour clock, there are many advantages to using a 24-hour clock. One advantage is that there can be no confusion about whether it is AM or PM. This can be important in emergency situations when every minute counts. Another advantage is that it makes it easier to keep track of time zones when traveling internationally.