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Guest<p>Since the Coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan City, December 1, 2019 with symptoms including fever, malaise, dry cough, and dyspnea which were diagnosed as symptoms of viral pneumonia infection. On January 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively named the new virus 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). February 12, 2020, officially changed it to the disease Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).</p><p>According to data from the covid19.go.id page, updated Monday (4/10), globally from 115 countries confirmed as many as 157,989,963, died 3,308,368. While in Indonesia, 4,220,206 were confirmed, 31,054 active cases, 4,046,891 cases recovered, 142,261 cases died, 40,059,078 specimens were examined for PCR + TCM and Antigen, 26,786,789 total people were examined for PCR + TCM and Antigen, 94,223,690 vaccinations 1st vaccination, 53,006,923 2nd vaccinations, and 108,264 suspects.</p><p>This data shows how big the risk of the corona virus that it takes millions of human lives, even all important sectors are affected. Likewise with the world of education, until the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) issued a circular letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency Period for the Spread of COVID-19, dated March 24, 2020. This circular letter was confirmed by a circular letter from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education. and Culture (Kemendikbud) regarding Guidelines for Organizing Learning from Home (BDR) in the COVID-19 Emergency Period.</p><p>Furthermore, based on the Berama Decree (SKB) four ministers (Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs) NUMBER01/KB/2020, NUMBER 516 YEAR 2020, NUMBER HK.01.01/Menkes/363/2020, NUMBER 440-882 YEAR 2020 dated August 7, 2020, BDR was implemented in almost all parts of Indonesia.</p><p>On November 20, 2020, the government stated that based on the SKB of the four ministers above, face-to-face learning for the even semester of 2020/2021 (starting January 2021) could be carried out with the decision-making authority left to the local government.</p><p>From the circular notes above, the world of education is facing a new challenge in learning using the BDR method. Thus, educators or teachers are required to conduct BDR according to the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture with all its advantages and disadvantages.</p><p>However, after the BDR was carried out, it turned out to have a negative impact on students, including students who get bored easily, students have difficulty understanding lessons, even according to the Research Team of the COVID-19 Task Force, the Indonesian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IPK), students at the junior high, high school, and high school education levels. SMK, showed a high level of trauma symptoms during the learning from home period.</p><p>Nevertheless, there are many advantages that can be obtained from the results of BDR. This shows that the development of the times in the era of digitalization in the world of education must inevitably be accepted by teachers or students. The pandemic atmosphere teaches teachers to be more creative, and think about the right method to teach during BDR.</p><p>Students are also trained to be able to receive all lessons from their teachers even though they are online remotely. However, there are often obstacles in online learning, namely, student or teacher devices that do not support several applications. In fact, it is not uncommon for telecommunications networks to become a problem in certain areas.</p><p>This shows that actually BDR or remote online is not effective in actually implementing what Ki Hadjar intended; improve mental intelligence and character. Intelligence may increase, but soul and character cannot be obtained if learning is only limited to online.</p><p>Central Javanese say, the teacher is interpreted to be digugu and imitated. That is, believed in his words and taken examples of all his actions. How this education can be biodata jung kook obtained by students, while the learning is still limited in front of the screen. What can be imitated from a teacher? If it’s just knowledge, students can also get it in books or Youtube videos.</p>