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      <p>Signs ruling it are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. </p><p><br />Earth sign characteristics are as follows:</p><p><br />1. It depicts a calm, patient, practical mind person, and also they are great at accumulating wealth. <br />2. He/she is very much loyal to people who are closer to him/her. <br />3. They are grounded which means that if they will be at the heights and become popular then also they will be as they were before with no vanity <br />4. They are also known as sensual creatures. <br />5. On a bad day, they can also be stubborn and inflexible, which means they will not listen to any other person if they are wrong. <br />6. Sometimes they can be lazy by their love for materialistic things which makes them overlay decadent. </p><p>To win them you have to provide them with food and wine.</p>

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