Home Forums Middle School Mathematics Education How to calculate daily calorie intake?

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    • #132790 Reply
      Deus Ex

      <p> </p><p>I decided to take my health seriously and want to understand how many calories I need per day. I read that it is important to calculate TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) to better plan my meals and workouts. But I don’t understand how to do it correctly yet. There are many different calculators on the Internet, and they all give different results. I would like to know how to choose the right TDEE calculator. Are there any reliable options that really help? And in general, how accurate is this calculation? Because I need to not only maintain my weight, but also gradually lose it without losing muscle mass.</p>

    • #132906 Reply
      faris 88

      <p>Hi! Great question. I recently encountered this problem too, and I can say that the choice of calculator is really important. I spent a long time looking for a suitable one, but I liked the best tdee calculator the most. This calculator takes into account many factors such as age, gender, weight, and physical activity level, which allows you to get a more accurate result. It not only helps you maintain your weight, but also effectively adjust your diet if you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass.</p>

    • #132918 Reply

      <p>I agree that an accurate calculation helps you plan your meals better. But I would also add that it is important to regularly recalculate your TDEE. For example, when you lose weight or increase physical activity, your daily energy expenditure changes. I personally use the calculator every couple of months to make sure my data is always up to date.</p>

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