Home Forums Middle School Mathematics Education Gematria Calculator & Hebrew Greek Gematria Bible

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      Along with the gematria, it breaks each letter and shows their individual gematria as well. Gematrinator.com is a free online gematria calculator website. You can expand the list from the “Ciphers” button at the top and select the gematria that you need. You can also configure the options to change what information you want to see. When you add an input to the tool, it shows all the selected gematria along with character breakdown. From there, you can click on any gematria to get more information. Doing this loads another section at the bottom of the page. This section shows the numerical properties covering Divisors, Conversions (to various numerical systems), and equivalent numbers in other gematria. A less common type of gematria is Greek gematria, which assigns numerical values to Greek letters. The values range from and are similar to those used in Hebrew gematria, with alpha being equal to 1. Greek gematria can be used in much the same way as Hebrew gematria, but its application is more limited due to its rarity. A gematria calculator is a tool used to calculate the numerical value of Hebrew and English words or phrases. A good gematria calculator will provide you with the numerical value of any given word or phrase in both languages, making it easy to compare two things.

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