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      Switching back and forth is usually done by pressing a button labeled “12/24” or something similar several corporations manufacture 24-hour clocks. To convert 1600 military time to civilian time, subtract 12 from 16 to get 4. The military uses a phonetic alphabet to identify time zones. These codes are important for accuracy and dependability. This allows us to understand the context behind time. 0800 hours Bravo is a completely different time than 0800 hours Yankee. The fundamental principle is measuring time around the earth and having agreed upon definitions in order to remain clear and organized. You can see a breakdown of which countries use military time or 24-hour time below. As you can see, most countries in the world utilize a 24-hour timekeeping system in their everyday lives and also for military use. Sometimes military time is referred to as “24 Hour Time” and this system eliminates the need for “am” and “pm”. Because of the simple time concepts used it allows for less confusion and is the time reference choice of military communities, medical field and also the scientific fields! It has become the choice and more of the universal time as many parts of the world utilize this time telling method. Places like Philippines, Germany, Australia, India and many others use and understand military time. In this format, the hours are listed from 00 to 23. While some services refer to midnight as 2400, 0000 is more accepted around the world. There are no colons or commas in military time. Military time is a 24-hour clock designed to avoid confusion between daytime and nighttime hours, since the armed forces are in operation around the clock. Though it may seem technical to civilians, military time is simply based on a 24-hour clock rather than a 12-hour clock that repeats with am and pm.

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