Home Forums Middle School Mathematics Education Gematria Calculator

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      You can click on the desired cipher from the output to get the character breakdown in that particular cipher. Along with the character breakdown, it also shows the letter-number assigned chart of the cipher. Jewish gematria or Hebrew gematria is the practice of assigning numerical values to letters (in English or any other language) in the hebrew system. This allows for words and phrases to be expressed as numbers, which can then be used for mathematical or mystical purposes. The most common way to assign numerical values to Hebrew letters is by using the assigned number of each letter in the alphabet in a kind of incremental way. The first 9 letters are valued from 1 to 9, the next 9 letters from 10 to 90, and the last four letters from 100 to 400. When you do that, it instantly gets you the numerical value for your input in Jewish/Hebrew gematria. It does not give you a character-by-character breakdown of the gematria. However, it does include a table showing the value of each English alphabet. RidingTheBeast.com offers a free online gematria calculator. This calculator has a simple interface with a dropdown to pick the gematria of choice. It supports multiple variations of English, Greek, and Hebrew gematria ciphers. Alongside that, you can opt to enable character breakdown and reduction. You can simply add your input, pick the cipher along with the options and run the calculator. And if you choose the option for character-by-character breakdown, it shows that as well.

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