Home Forums Middle School Mathematics Education Erectile Dysfunction at 16

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      <p>It is unusual and perhaps related to having erectile dysfunction (ED) at the age of sixteen. In general, ED is linked to older age groups; In teenagers or young adults, it may be a sign of underlying medical or psychological problems however. If this is a problem for you or someone you know, you need to get medical help right now.<br />ED may be exacerbated by stress, worry, sadness, or performance anxiety. </p><p>Psychological pressures pertaining to body image, self-esteem, or social standards may be encountered by younger persons. Sexual function may be impacted by relationship issues, communication breakdowns, or emotional disconnection.</p><p>Sexual function may be impacted by a number of medical illnesses, including diabetes, hormone imbalances, cardiovascular issues, and neurological abnormalities.S<br />Adverse effects of medication:</p>

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