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      <p>Every time you move in a hot place or do physical activity that is quite strenuous, your body will start to sweat. Although it makes the body feel sticky, sweat (sweat) plays an important role in maintaining the functioning of the human body.</p><p>Sweat (perspiration) is a fluid made by the sweat glands and works to stabilize the body’s core temperature. Humans have two to four million sweat glands scattered throughout the body.</p><p>These sweat glands are divided into two types, namely eccrine glands and apocrine glands.</p><p>The process of sweat formation begins when exercise or physical activity is exhausting, your body temperature will increase.</p><p>At that time, the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that functions as a body temperature regulator) will send a signal to the nervous system to stimulate the eccrine glands to produce sweat.</p><p>Later, the sweat that has been produced will come out through the skin pores and evaporate. Body temperature slowly returns to normal.</p><p>The fluid that comes out when the body sweats is mostly produced by the eccrine glands. These glands are found in almost all parts of the body, including the palms of the hands and feet, forehead, cheeks, and armpits.</p><p>Meanwhile, apocrine glands are found in the armpit and groin area. Sweat that comes out of these glands is not only triggered by body temperature, but can also be driven by stress, anxiety, or erratic hormones.</p><p>The amount of fluid produced when the body sweats varies from person to person. There are several factors that influence it, the two main ones being fitness level and weight.</p><p>Bigger people have more sweat glands. Energy expended during activities keringat dingin will be more, given the higher body mass. Therefore, obese people tend to sweat more easily.</p><p><br />What is contained in sweat?</p><p>Sometimes, when not wiped or wiped, sweat will flow and accidentally enter the mouth. From this incident, many people tasted the salty taste.</p><p>In fact, most of the sweat produced by the eccrine glands contains sodium. Sodium is also often referred to as salt. This substance is released when the body sweats to keep sodium levels in the body in balance.</p><p>Other substances that are also contained in sweat are as follows.</p><p>Protein: secreted to help maintain the immune system.<br />Urea (CH4N20): a waste substance produced by the liver when processing certain proteins.<br />Ammonia: a substance produced by the kidneys when filtering nitrogen in urea.</p><p>Not only salty, sweat is also synonymous with unpleasant odors. In fact, actually sweat fluid does not smell. The smell will appear when sweat is exposed to bacteria on the skin. This also usually only occurs in sweat produced by the apocrine glands.</p><p>Sweat produced from the apocrine glands has a thicker texture and tends to contain fat. When fat is broken down by bacteria, there will be waste substances that cause odor. This sweat is what causes body odor in a person.</p>

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