Shweta Naik

Shweta Shripad Naik is a Scientific staff in the mathematics education group at HBCSE. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Mumbai University and a master’s degree in mathematics from Pune University. Shweta has a PhD in Mathematics Education from the University of Michigan. Shweta has been an active researcher and instructor in developing teaching trajectories for bridging arithmetic and algebra, understanding fractions, ratios, and proportions, teaching area measurement, representing word problems, and understanding decimals. As part of the trajectory development work, she has taught for two educational years in nearby schools. Shweta has also been one of the active resource persons for teacher education programs at HBCSE. She has been focusing on teachers’ mathematical knowledge required for teaching that facilitates learning with understanding. She conducts a workshop that involves practice-based sessions for teachers, such as studying live teaching, videos of teaching, learning to solve mathematics problems, studying students’ work, reading research, etc. For her dissertation work, Shweta is investigating teachers’ use of mathematical practices, for the role they play in developing the knowledge needed for teaching. Her study involves working with in-service and pre-service teachers, and examining their engagement with the mathematical practices while solving problems. Shweta’s key areas of interest in mathematics education are mathematical knowledge for teaching, teaching, and learning of mathematical practices at the school level, developing teacher learning communities, and designing practice-based tasks for teacher education.